checkout information
Monroe Lending Library membership is $5.00 for single and $10.00 for family per year.
Loaning Books & DVDs
Patrons are permitted to check out a total of ten (10) books per library card for a period of three (3) weeks.
Patrons are permitted to check out a total of four (4) DVDs per family for a period of three (3) weeks.
Overdue Fees
A fine of $0.10 per day for books and for DVDs will be charged. Patrons will be barred from borrowing items if they owe fines.
Patrons whose accounts have been sent to collections must pay their balance in full before their library borrowing privileges are restored.
Lost item will be billed at the retail cost. The replacement charge will be waived if a new, exact match replacement is provided.
However a $5.00 processing fee will be assessed.
Overdue Notices
A patron is sent a courtesy notice when an item is 7 days overdue. A second overdue notice is sent when an item is 21 days overdue.
Patrons with accounts of $50.00 or more in materials and fines not settled within 60 days may be turned over to a collection agency to recover the materials. A $10.00 collection agency fee is added to these accounts. Failure to receive notices does not exempt the cardholder from fines and fees assessed.